SMOAD Networks

Smoad For Education

Consistent Network For Consistent Learning

The versatility in the educational sector knows no bounds. With homework being sent by emails and carrying out PTA meetings over video conferencing, technology has efficiently made life easier and smarter. If recent times have been a proof of anything, it is that staying connected to the educational institutions and their faculty from anywhere is an absolute necessity.

However, there are challenges.

Learning from home, for instance, has encountered a particular set of hurdles such as frequent drops in network signal strength, inability to use multiple applications (the hungry ones such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams or GMail) at the same time, and of course sharing the network bandwidth with the rest of the family. Sharing the internet was always a stretch at home, wasn’t it?

Seamless and Smart

The innovative SD-WAN architecture we employ in our device erases the issues of network drops just like the unclean blackboards of a classroom. By incorporating both the highly flexible 4G LTEs as well as your existing broadband connection, the applications’ performances improve significantly while delivering a high quality user experience. This results in increased productivity paving the way for smart(er) classrooms.

No One Gets Left Behind

A seamless connected network that is easy to set up is no longer wishful thinking. The device creates a secure space where you can connect to a virtual classroom while leaving no student or teacher offline. It’s easy to plug and play as well.

You Control Your Web

Once a student, teacher or a classroom is added to the network, the centralised security feature ensures only authenticated and authorised people are allowed to participate in the network. The Firewall, IP and MAC ID blocking makes sure of that.

SMOAD provides a range of solutions including remote connectivity, unbreakable internet, Inbuilt Firewall, Application Prioritization, Aggregation of multiple networks (2 4G SIM cards + 2 Wired Internet connections) Learn More

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