SMOAD Networks

The change in security, 5G, and SD-WAN

March 9, 2023

The change in security, 5G, and SD-WAN

The 5G is a complex technology making its security overwhelming. Enterprises are faced with the immense challenge of resolving security concerns of 5G; if you don’t, you are risking the growth of your organisation. The increased urgency to deploy new services adds to the risk. 5G network manufacturers and service providers are responsible for integrating security while deploying 5G. They must assess security effectiveness and focus on innovation rather than worrying about risks.

5G and SD-WAN
The rise in user expectations has increased the complexity of WAN. SD-WAN monitors the performance of mixed connections like MPLS, internet, dedicated circuits, and satellite, selecting the most appropriate connection according to the traffic type. The SD-WAN makes decisions based on link performance, connection cost, and application needs. Traffic can be prioritised based on time-sensitive applications like VoIP over less urgent email.

SD-WAN built-in security
The advantage of SD-WAN security is that it is built from the ground up. It is not an addition after the organisation is exposed to threats. A secure SD-WAN connection supports 5G speed without hampering business critical communication or breaching security gaps.

Security should match 5G
Active traffic inspection at 5G speeds slows down the performance of next-generation firewalls (NGFW). Depending on native security functions of 5G networking solutions alone may not be sufficient, and organisations should adopt integrated, end-to-end security solutions to protect from threats. A secure SD-WAN solution can prepare the 5G to combat new world risks.

The security should be robust, integrated, and multilayered regarding internet branching. While combining SD-WAN and 5G solutions includes an integrated group of multilayered security controls and native controls for a secure solution. If you are experiencing local breakouts in your wired and wireless connections, integrate NGFW, DNS, SWG, IPS, and others for automated protection.

While bringing 5G into SD-WAN, the security concerns only increase. 5G means speed, and security bottlenecks must be addressed while keeping up with speed. SD-WAN security must be fast enough for 5G. With the volume of encrypted traffic increasing, the TLS adoption rate is faster. It is always important to support 5G without disturbing business-critical communications.

It is not easy to achieve this security standard as it is perceived. The NGFW performance takes a huge toll while inspecting encrypted traffic. Monitoring high volumes of encrypted traffic using TLS 1.3 encryption protocol to protect 5G connections from threats will harm SD-WAN and firewalls, putting both speed and security at risk.

So, how do we tackle this situation? Organisations must adopt Secure SD-WAN solutions from the ground up to improve performance. The answer is to use purpose-built security architecture instead of commercial processors. Ensuring the SD-WAN solutions are designed to manage critical security functions without compromising performance rates.

It is important to integrate security into the network seamlessly. With a unified management interface, changes in the SD-WAN environment are visible and managed from one interface. So, both can respond as one consolidated system when a connection requires a change.

The role of secure SD-WAN in 5G must be supported. SD-WAN integrating security and networking, along with hardware created for maximum performance and scalability to power 5G network, is perfect for organisations transitioning to 5G to look for advanced functions to avoid security concerns. Transcend into 5G smoothly with secure SD-WAN solutions for uninterrupted connectivity at an affordable cost.

SMOAD offer state-of-the-art SD-WAN solutions to integrate with 5G securely. Find out more.

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